Gurbetçiler Plastik

Environmental Impact

Our commitment is to continually improve our environmental performance and make sustainable contributions to our operations and society. As expatriates, it bases its activities on the principles of life cycle, circular economy, sustainable development and continuous improvement.

Our Activities

We will operate our manufacturing facility in accordance with laws, regulations and standards. By applying the best operating procedures, we will minimize the exposure of our employees and stakeholders to environmental, health and safety risks. By minimizing the generation of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes in our facility, we will provide maximum recycling and reuse opportunities with safe methods. We will work in accordance with the relevant regulations by obtaining the necessary permission, license and approval letters from the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. We will identify and mitigate risks for environmental emergencies. We will continuously improve the environmental management system and measure our performance. We will prepare action plans to achieve our goals, continuously improve and monitor our performance.


We will provide the necessary training and raise awareness of our employees in order to continuously improve our environmental performance and to take an active role in environmental protection.

Our Subcontractors and Suppliers

We will demand our subcontractors and suppliers to respect our environmental values with occupational health and safety, and we will provide awareness training. While working in our factory, we will require them to comply with our company policies and procedures.

Product management

In order to minimize the effects on human health and the environment and to limit the amount of possible waste, we will act in line with the sustainable development approach during the product development, production, distribution and application stages.